Monday, June 11, 2007

Report on the New Vet

Isabella saw the new vet last Tuesday. Oh My Goodness – what a difference. I brought lots of BG charts for her – showing the kitty’s response to various insulin dosages. To me, they all looked the same: jagged peaks and valleys of un-regulation. The vet looked them over and then looked at me.

“Actually, these look pretty good.”

Huh? I was stunned. Old Vet would have chastised me and implied that I was lying about her food intake or something. New Vet said “This is a cat. She’s not going to follow any rules.” New Vet was able to see an overall lower trend on the higher doses and encouraged me to try going to 2 units. I’m scared of 2 units – since Isabella has always gone low on that dose -- but I’m giving it some thought.

Other things from New Vet:
- New insulin. They dispense BCP instead of PZI Vet. Much cheaper! Though they had to order U40 for me since they normally dispense U100. I’ll wait until she’s been on the BCP a while before trying the 2 units, I think
- She’s not a believer in tight regulation. She’s a “manager,” not a curer. That’s OK, though. At this point I feel confident enough about what I’m doing to try some things below the radar and report to her.
- She only wants to see occasional BG charts via fax and the actual cat every six months, unless something urgent arises.
- She has a sense of humor and she’s not afraid to use it.

Overall, a huge improvement and I’m thrilled. I finally feel like I have a partner in this feline diabetes thing. Whew!

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