Sunday, June 1, 2008


A few days ago I prepared to test Isabella as usual. I got out the meter and lancet-clicker, put a test strip in and then something distracted me. I turned back to find Isabella messing around with the test strip - not with her paws, but with her mouth.

I pushed it into the meter, expecting an error message (she's pulled this trick before) but all was well. So I assumed that she hadn't actually gotten hold of it and proceeded with the test. Except that when I touched the strip to the blood drop, it looked sort of funny. Runny. Kind of thin.

The meter calculated and then spit out this result: 28

Spit indeed. Isabella smirked at me (I swear it) as I yanked out the strip and got a new one. New poke. New blood. Ah ha - not runny this time.

The new result: 317. And now I know what cat spit does to a blood glucose test.

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