Sunday, April 6, 2008

Ohm .... Ohm .... Ohm ....

I have mentioned once or twice that Isabella’s personality is a bit challenging. Some may say that’s an understatement. I just like to call her quirky. Whatever the label, Isabella is a cat who knows what she wants, and even more importantly, what she doesn’t want.

As a general rule, what she doesn’t want is anyone else in her house. Or anyone else touching her. She’s pretty good at letting people know when they’ve overstayed their welcome with snarls, growls, hisses, and smacks – claws extended.

Despite her less-than-sunny personality, Isabella sometimes gets gifts from my friends and family. For instance, several years ago my sister presented Casey & Isabella each with their own Christmas stocking filled with kitty goodies. Among the booty was a catnip-filled mini stocking, which Isabella loves and carries around the house with her to this day.

But Isabella’s best-ever gift came from my best friend’s young daughter. She had tried valiantly to make friends with my snarky cat, to no avail. Ever the optimist though, Christianne wrapped up an aerosol can of Feline Calming Spray (“the calming pure essential oils of lavender and peppermint can help with nervousness”) along with the accompanying note:

(My camera truly sucks at closeups, so I’ll translate. It says: To Nancy’s mean kitty Isabella. With love (and hope) from Christianne.

The spray, of course, had no effect. But you’ve got to love little kids.

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